HPV Testing for HIV-positive Women
Women who are HIV-positive have a high risk of developing cervical cancer. For this reason, these women are advised to go through frequent screenings - which often reveal nothing.
Older Mothers Have Lower Cancer Risks
Women are having babies and growing their families later in life. In terms of one cancer risk, being older is helpful.
Can Twitter Predict Your Flu Shot?
Tweets about vaccines tend to carry strong opinions in 140 characters. If you follow a Twitter user who is against vaccination, what's the chance that you or your family won't get shots?
Cancer Champion Turned Olympian
Cancer almost kept Jake Gibb from going for the gold in London. He was diagnosed with testicular cancer in December, 2010 - just as the Olympic qualifying period was beginning.
How Risky is Teen Sex?
You might hope that teens have learned something over the past decade. Turns out that when it comes to safe sex, not much has changed – teens are still putting themselves at risk for HIV.
Depression & Palliative Care
Communicating psychological pain to doctors is just as important as reporting physical pain when being treated with palliative care. It’s vital for doctors to know if the patient is facing depression.
Men, Prostate Cancer Probably Won't Kill You
Being diagnosed with any cancer makes you think about your life - and death. The course of prostate cancer, though, may be changing.
Micro-needles Could Improve AMD Treatment
Delivering injected medication to the back of the eye for conditions such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of blindness among older adults, can be challenging for doctors.
Patient Info Via Technology
People surveyed said they were more likely to read health information in an email or text than a paper pamphlet. Technology provides a format for spreading helpful health information.
Long Term ADHD Drugs Appear Safe
Between five and seven percent of adolescents in the US are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, little is known about the long-term effects of drugs used to treat ADHD.