Will Life Without PSA Testing Cost Lives?
Several years ago, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommended against men over the age of 75 having prostate cancer screenings using the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test.
Doctor-Patient Discussion Can Reduce Antibiotic Use
Many people are prescribed antibiotics for acute respiratory infections, such as the common cold. But are the antibiotics prescribed doing more harm than good?
Learn to Battle HIV
A key to slowing down the spread of HIV is to track the rate of transmission among various subgroups of sexually active individuals. Recent news about one group is sobering.
Mental Illness Linked to Cancer Risk
Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder can be associated with various health problems. New research suggests that cancer risk is higher for people with these disorders.
Blood Testing in RA-Diabetes Combo
Heart disease is a common complication of diabetes. To stay healthy, diabetes patients need to keep a close eye on levels of blood sugar and fat.
Rising Rates of Kidney Treatment
In people with end-stage renal disease, the kidneys have completely or almost completely stopped working. Keeping these patients alive requires dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Homeless with Kidney Disease
Homeless people lack more than a roof over their heads; they also lack access to many of the basic healthcare services many of us take for granted.