Taking Control When Multiple Conditions Occur
For more than 75 million people living with multiple, chronic medical conditions, taking care of their health is a daily challenge. Managing multiple conditions at the same time can seem overwhelming, but with the right guidance from a doctor, it can be done.
Subtle Long-Term Impacts of Child Abuse
Experiencing abuse as a child means more than a higher risk of mental illness. Researchers are learning that abused children are at risk for various long-term physical issues as well.
Effectively Treating Advanced Nasal Cancer
Treating advanced nasal cancers is a delicate business. Chemotherapy plus radiation therapy (chemoradiotherapy) is not recommended due to the risk of brain injury or blindness. But researchers found a regimen that looks to have merit.
Get Your Zzz's Before Getting Vaccines
Insufficient sleep can make it harder for your body to fight illnesses, but it can also make it easier for your body to get sick in the first place.
Jealousy and Domestic Violence
Phone calls between men in jail for domestic violence and their partners shed light on the causes behind the violence. Jealousy, substance use and mental health problems were common factors.
Doing Life in Slow Motion
So you think you function just fine on five or six hours of sleep each night? Chances are, you just don't realize you're moving slightly slower.
Early-Onset Mental Disorders
Treating mental disorders may be expensive, but the loss of income later in life from mental disorders is great. It may be more cost effective to treat kids for mental disorders when they're young.
High Pollen Count Linked to ER visits
If your asthma or your allergies are making you extra miserable on days with high pollen counts, you have company. These are also top days for emergency room visits.
RA Drugs May Boost Infection Risk
Rheumatoid arthritis patients are commonly treated with anti-TNF medications. As with many arthritis drugs, there are concerns that anti-TNF drugs may lead to some serious side effects.
Whooping Cough Vaccination is Important
When California had the highest number of pertussis cases in six decades in 2010, public health officials took notice. Pertussis (whooping cough) is especially dangerous for babies.