A New Intervention for Domestic Violence?
Could intimate partner violence be helped through better communication skills? The research team at the Center for Couples Therapy in Houston thinks so.
Teen Steroid Abuse
Steroid abuse is always bad, but for teens the damage can be more serious and last longer. Steroids can change the way an adolescent’s brain develops and vital organs function.
Dairy Allergy Linked to Congestion
Food allergies can show up in many ways. For young children, a dairy allergy may show up as congestion in the ear, nose or throat.
Hormone Levels and Uterine Cancer
Maybe you've heard about leptin as it relates to weight control. Leptin is a hormone that the body's fat cells produce, and scientists believe it may play a role in cancer. Is this true for uterine (also known as endometrial) cancer?
Back to School Vaccination Checklist
Pencils? Check. Books? Check. After you've gone through your checklist of school supplies, make sure that you've checked off all the vaccinations your child needs for back to school.
Chocolate for Helping Memory
Flavanols are found in red wine, coffee, tea and chocolate. Who would have thought these treats could have a positive affect on brain function and heart health.
Can Heartburn Lead to Cancer?
Heartburn can be the unwelcome conclusion to a meal. It's irritating and uncomfortable, but is it putting you at risk for more serious health problems?
Stress, Empathy and Positive Behavior
If your teenager is having trouble coping with stressful situations, it can have an impact on how well they treat others.
Anti-Impulsive Drug
What if impulsive behavior could be regulated by a drug that already exists? Would that open doors for treating addiction due to improper dopamine regulation in the brain?
Chemotherapy Instead of Surgery
The normal surgical treatment for advanced vulvar cancer can be just awful. In addition to removing the tissues that make up the vulva, along with nearby lymph nodes, some organs might also be removed. Now researchers think that surgery may not be the only answer.