Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center
Multifunctional Tomatoes
Tomatoes are like the Superman of fruits and vegetables. There’s more to these tasty fruits than meets the eye. They already have health benefits, so what more can they do?
Hidden in the Tea Leaves
Research has confirmed that tea has lots of beneficial and healthy compounds. However, not all ingredients in tea are always listed, which could be worrisome for some health-conscious people. What’s a tea lover to do?
Seaweed is Always Greener Under the Sea
The slimy, icky gooey stuff floating in the ocean, more commonly known as seaweed, is a delicacy in some countries and even provides heart health benefits.
Team Sports Promotes Better Child Development
Most all parents hope their children will develop and grow into outstanding adults with exceptional skills. Sports may be able to help with that aspiration - especially team sports.
Pumping the Fluids to Save Kids' Kidneys
It is a serious problem when a child gets infected with E. coli - a bacteria that can cause kidney failure. Now, researchers have found a way to protects children's kidneys from the bacteria.
Double-Whammy during Pregnancy
Being obese can make pregnancy harder than it already is. Adding type 2 diabetes to that mix makes pregnancy risky for both the mother and the baby.
Best and Worst Foods in America
It’s usually easier to choose what to eat when you know exactly what’s good or bad for you. So to help, experts have compiled a list of some of the worst and best foods in America.
USDA Proposes Raw Meat Label Changes
When purchasing raw meat and chicken, the labels don't always clearly detail whether marinades or injections were added. The United States Department of Agriculture hopes to rectify that.
Belly Fat Predicts Heart Disease
Not all fat is created equal, especially when it comes to men with excessive weight around the middle. Some with added belly fat may be at an increased risk of developing heart disease and other serious health problems.
Healthy Options Not so Healthy at Restaurants
Many restaurants have started providing healthier food options along with the calorie count on their menus. While their efforts are in the right direction, you can’t trust all the numbers.