CancerInfo Center
Pancreatic Cancer Progress
When anything in the body goes into overdrive, trouble usually follows. Genes that are switched to and stay “on” all the time can lead to cancer. A molecular pathway that behaves this way may be a new target for a tough cancer.
HPV, Vaccination & Cancer Rates
Prevention of HPV is now easier than ever, with two vaccines for adolescents and young adults. A simple, cost-effective pap smear test can detect early stages of HPV-related cancer too.
Is Screening Older Women for Breast Cancer Worth It?
Breast cancer screening guidelines have been changing. There’s controversy about when screening should start - at 40 or 50 or not at all. But at what age should a woman stop having mammograms? Are we spending money on unnecessary screenings?
Why Is Thyroid Cancer Skyrocketing?
Thyroid cancer is usually one folks can live with for a long time. The vast majority – 95 percent – are alive five years after diagnosis. Despite this positive outlook, there’s a disturbing trend with this cancer.
Weight May Not Affect Breast Cancer Survival
We’ve been told time and again that fat kills. Being overweight or obese definitely adds to our risks of developing chronic diseases including cancer. A new study finds, though, that it doesn’t appear to impact cancer survival.
Lights On the Cancer Horizon
Is that a glimmer of light on the brain cancer horizon? Could be. Researchers have found new targets that might turn the lights out on one type of brain cancer.
Cancer Gone in 60 Seconds
Now this is amazing! An international team of researchers has found a way to watch in real time the assassination of cancer. In about a minute, they could literally see liver tumors shrink. How cool is that?
Challenge Cancer With A Healthy Diet
You’ve got a great coach this year for fulfilling your resolution to eat healthier. Experts at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have developed a free online healthy eating coaching program that will encourage you throughout the year.
Which is Easier to Tame – a Gene or a Lion?
Bladder cancer likes to come back. It’s just one of those high rates of return cancers. Experts may have uncovered a new genetic path for taming this disease. And that would be excellent news.
A Breast Cancer Elf?
Here’s an intriguing thought. What if we could reprogram cancer so it responds to treatment? That’s exactly what breast cancer experts are exploring.