CancerInfo Center

Coping With Cancer During Holiday Cheer
The holiday bustle can be a bit much to cope with for people going through cancer treatments or those who have lost someone to cancer. Here are a few tips to manage the holidays.
Robotic Removal and Recovery Reviewed
Advanced technology has become very popular in the surgery suite. Even robotic arms are in there helping surgeons these days. This high tech surgery has been found to be easier on the patient.
Cancer Screening for the Mentally Ill
Mental illness does not change the risks for cancer. Screening and treatments for cancer in the mentally ill have not been equal to those of the general population.
New Gene Test IDs Patients for Cancer Drug
Targeted therapy can do wonders. The trick is finding which patients have the genetic mutation or some other alteration that drugs can effectively target.
At the Heart of Genetic Shenanigans
There has been lots of really good news about a rare blood cancer. Several new drugs have been approved to treat all stages of chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ). There’s also work happening to go after the disease at deeper levels.
New Rx Approved For Intestinal Condition
Intestinal diseases and surgery can cause nutritional problems. A new drug has been approved to help combat these problems.
Experimental Blood Cancer Rx is Showing Positive Results
There is excellent news for people with mantle cell lymphoma, a rare blood cancer. An experimental drug is demonstrating impressive results in a phase II clinical trial. But this is a limited research study, and the product is not yet available.
Seeing Through the Medical Radiation Risk Story
Imagine if you had a cancer that needed to be treated right away. The doctor orders CT scans. Would the fact that radiation exposure from the tests increases your lifetime cancer risks keep you from having the scans?
Overcoming Cancer Fatigue
The exhaustion that comes with cancer may feel like an unmovable brick wall, but it doesn’t have to. There are strategic guidelines to help patients battle fatigue successfully.
Men Have Hormonal Blues Too
Most prostate cancers are fed by male hormones called androgens. So treating the disease often involves blocking these hormones. It’s called androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), and it’s been used for decades – but not without controversy.