CancerInfo Center
“Game of Thrones” Actor Wilko Johnson Has Terminal Cancer
Dr. Feelgood guitarist and “Game of Thrones” actor, Wilko Johnson, has been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. The actor has refused chemotherapy and plans to continue to work for the next few months.
How Good is Your Doctor?
As a patient, you have a right to know how good your doctor is. And you should know. The answer to one question may just save your life.
Pap Smears For More Than The Cervix?
Ovarian and uterine cancer cells can trickle down to the cervix and show up on a routine Pap smear. In the future, this additional cancer screening may be part of a normal exam.
Depression After Youth Cancer Battle
Does having cancer while growing up increase the odds of depression later in life? If so, there’s no shame in reaching out for help with mental health issues.
Beta Blockers Help Block Cancer Spread
Radiation is a common method to kill or shrink cancer cells. Lung cancer patients taking heart medication during radiotherapy may have better results than those not taking these drugs.
Do Cancer Screenings Have an Expiration Date?
Generally speaking, cancer takes years – even decades – to develop. So a recent study suggests this fact needs to be taken into account when recommending cancer screenings.
No Need to Over-Screen
Cervical cancer rates are so low in certain groups, the medical community no longer recommends bothering with routine screening. But in groups at risk, screening rates should be higher.
Material "Wood" Replace Damaged or Lost Bone
Remember the images of pirates scraping by with a wood leg? Well, wood may be coming back into fashion for repairing and replacing damaged bones.
Watch Your Booze Ladies
There is a world of difference between having a cocktail and binging drinking. The body was not designed to process excessive alcohol in short periods of time. Specifcally with women.
Potential Side Effects Of Prostate Removal
To treat potentially deadly prostate cancer, the surgical removal of the prostate is sometimes necessary. The procedure can have potential side effects, including a shortened penis.