CancerInfo Center

HIV Positive? Check for Skin Cancer
If you have human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), you may have a higher risk of certain types of skin cancer. With any type of skin cancer, early detection and treatment is the key.
Does Folic Acid Increase Your Cancer Risk?
In 1998, the United States began adding folic acid to flour products used in breads, cereals and pastas. The goal was to reduce serious birth defects, such as spina bifida. There has been some concern, though, that folic acid could increase cancer risks.
Who’s Going to Hurt After Cancer Surgery?
While the most common types of breast cancer are usually not painful, treating the disease can be. A new study found that about one in four women being treated suffered persistent pain up to six months after treatment.
Prostate Therapy May Be Bad to the Bone
Some prostate cancer patients who are unable to have surgery or radiation treatment may turn to hormone therapy for treatment. However, hormone therapy may increase the chance of bone fracture.
HPV Vaccination Coverage Too Low
It’s hard to believe there are two vaccines out there approved to prevent HPV-related cancers. The trick is getting all three doses within six months to make them effective.
50-Year Trends in Smoking Related Deaths
Too many people have died from smoking-related illnesses in the past 50 years. But there is good news: quitting smoking starts the healing process and immediately begins to reduce the risks of smoking-related disease.
Getting a Leg Up On Bladder Cancer
Even though it can be successfully treated, bladder cancer needs to be monitored in case it returns. The goal of researchers is to find better ways to detect and treat bladder tumors to make managing the disease easier. 
The Knife Helps Cancer Patients Make the Cut
When cancer starts to grow after treatment, it usually means genetic changes in the cancer cells have taken place. Targeted therapies designed to go after specific mutations stop working against the new changes. Now there is “provocative evidence” of an effective way to combat this biology.
Asian Pancreatic Cancer Patients Living Longer
A medication that’s used to treat a number of cancers in Japan could help people with pancreatic cancer live longer. The medication has been found to be most beneficial for Asian patients.
New Vaccine Recommendation for Adults
Adults with certain immune system conditions often require different recommendations for the vaccines they can and should receive. A new vaccine has been added to these recommendations.