Health News

Obese Moms May Deprive Babies of Iron
Research is uncovering more and more about possible health risks to babies if their mothers are obese during pregnancy. Another one for the list: being born with low iron levels.
Too Much Coffee Disrupts Fertility
If you're trying to have a baby with fertility treatments, there's no reason to skip your morning cup of coffee...but keep the refills to a minimum.
Can Too Much Fat Damage Your Eggs?
Women undergoing in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) should be aware that their diet may affect their eggs. 
Keeping Breast Cancer Risks on the Move
Exercise. Physical activity. Moving. Along with a clean and colorful diet, there's almost nothing better you can do for your body than move. The fact is we have to keep moving to keep moving, and here's another reason why.
Eating Disorders Not Limited to Youth
When people think of eating disorders, they often think of young girls starving themselves to look like the women in fashion magazines. But older women suffer from these conditions as well.
Can Soy Help Women Think?
The traditional Asian diet has been celebrated for their health benefits, but a recent study challenges one common aspect of this praise.
Step Up One Step at a Time Breast Cancer Dancers
Nobody walks away from breast cancer scot-free. The best of treatments leave the ladies of breast cancer changed, sometimes for years. Research confirms that fitness levels matter. A lot.
Children Arriving by C May Grow Bigger
Both the rate of obesity and the rate of elective C-sections have been increasing in the U.S. Though no evidence exists to say one causes another, they may be linked.
Nutrition Fights Off Gestational Obesity
When you’re pregnant, doctors advise you to keep your weight in check to ensure that mama and baby stay healthy. But often, they don’t tell moms exactly how to manage their weight.
Reduce Serious Birth Defects
Adding folic acid to tortillas and other products can reduce the risk for birth defects, says a new petition recently filed with a federal agency.  A petition filed with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) argues that fortifying corn masa flour products with the B vitamin folic acid can help reduce serious birth defects of the brain and spine. The groups behind the petition believe that mandating folic acid fortification of the products will especially help prevent birth defects in one high-risk group: Hispanic babies. Since 1998, when the FDA started regulating folic a...