Health News

Ancient Practice Brings New Energy to Cancer Patients
Fatigue can be part of the new normal for breast cancer survivors. An ancient practice may help to bring these ladies new energy.
No-Brainer to Exercise
It's wintertime and time to be out of school. Kids and adults alike don't need to be hitting the books to keep their minds sharp over the holidays.
Making New Year’s Resolutions Stick
Every year people make New Year’s resolutions, and every year it’s a battle to stick with them. Plan ahead, set up a support network and use good coping tactics to stay the course.
When the "Ugly Duckling" is Overweight
Most are familiar with pop culture's stereotypes when it comes to bullying. "The fat kid" always gets made fun of by other kids. But bullying is no laughing matter. A recent study found that the majority of teenagers getting treatment for their weight had been bullied.
Holiday Blues: Tips, Tricks and Triggers
Not everyone looks forward to the holidays. The desire to stay in bed or eat through plates of cookies can take over. But there are ways to avoid the holiday blues and enjoy the season.
The Secret to Growing Old Gracefully
Just about everyone wants the secret to life. But they might settle for the secret to aging gracefully. One important key to successfully aging appear to be… growing older.
Ice Reflections on Eating and Image
When figure skaters fall, they typically don't have much to protect their bones naturally from damage since they're under such pressure to be thin.
Overindulgence vs. Healthy Habits
Veggies are good for the body. Smoking is bad. Most people have these facts down by now, but do they know how good and how bad? A math professor has simplified a way to look at how habits add or take away years of life.
Keeping a Cork in it During the Holidays
Holidays are rife with temptations, especially in the form of alcohol. It can be tempting for alcoholics to break a sobriety streak when everyone else is celebrating.
Whiskey & Diet Coke; No Make That Soda Water
Diet soda can help cut the calories in cocktails, but can also put a person over the legal alcohol limit without them ever knowing it. Yes, regular and diet soda do affect the body differently.