Health News

Staying Healthy With Dietary Fiber on Your Plate
Are you having beans, leafy greens or another fiber-rich food for dinner? If not, you may be among the many Americans who don't get their recommended amount of dietary fiber — and your health may be suffering.
Higher Blood Sugar and the Brain
Blood sugar control is essential to the well-being of people with diabetes, which is linked to a number of complications, including memory loss. But one needn't have diabetes to feel the effects of out of whack blood sugar levels.
Banding May Reverse Diabetes in Obese
Weight loss surgery has been shown to keep diabetes at bay for those who are obese. One option, called gastric banding, may deliver fast results.
Promising Results for Weight Loss Surgery
For people who are obese, weight loss is a crucial part of reducing the risk of heart problems, arthritis and diabetes. Choosing the right path to weight loss is also important.
Drinking Linked to Metabolic Syndrome
Millions of Americans enjoy an alcoholic beverage here and there, which some research has concluded can even be healthy. But heavy drinking can take a real toll on the body; it has been linked to heart problems and risk factors for diabetes.
Good Heart Health with Type 2 Diabetes
Heart problems are a serious and common issue for patients with type 2 diabetes. Controlling diabetes might reduce their heart risks, but that protection might depend on the specific diabetes treatment.
Two-Med Combo to Prevent Diabetes
For people who show signs of type 2 diabetes, controlling weight may be a key part of keeping their condition from getting worse. A recent study suggests that one combination medication could play a role in preventing diabetes.
It's More Than Beauty Sleep
How much people sleep can have an impact on their health. However, the relationship between sleep duration and chronic diseases has not been well studied. A recent study was conducted to examine sleep duration in relationship to various illnesses.
Managing Diabetes with Magnesium?
A healthy diet and exercise have been associated with lowering the risk for diabetes. Researchers behind a new study took a closer look at a very specific part of a healthy diet - magnesium intake. According to the study authors, magnesium, found naturally in a variety of foods like spinach, legumes, nuts and whole grains, has been associated with controlling factors that can lead to diabetes. In the new study, researchers found that higher magnesium intake was associated with a lower risk of developing diabetes. Eat a balanced diet with a variety of nutrients. In type 2 diabetes, the...
Changing Your Diet for Better Health
High blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, and extra weight all have one thing in common - they can raise a person's risk for heart disease, diabetes and stroke. As it turns out, there is something else they have in common - they can be improved with diet.