Health News

Long-Term Insulin is Fine for the Heart
For years, it was thought that long-term use of insulin caused heart disease in diabetes patients. Now, it looks like that belief may no longer hold weight.
Defining Prediabetes and Stroke Risk
It is already well established that people with diabetes are more likely to suffer stroke. But even before you develop full-fledged diabetes, you could have a higher risk of stroke.
Dark Chocolate's Sweet Treat for the Heart
Yet another study suggests dark chocolate may be a tasty and inexpensive way to protect your heart. Even better for chocolate fans, the new research suggests you should eat it every day.
'Blood-Letting' Delivers Health Benefits
The practice of blood-letting or bleeding patients was abandoned in the 19th  century when it became clear there was little benefit. New research suggests the barbaric-sounding practice could offer a very real heart benefit.
Diabetes Death Rates Drop
On average, diabetes cuts 10 years out of a patient's life. Many diabetes-related deaths are caused by heart disease. Fortunately, death rates among diabetes patients are going down.
Half of Overweight Teens at Early Heart Risk
A soaring increase in the number of teenagers suffering from diabetes means that more than a third of presumably healthy normal-weight adolescents are at risk of heart disease.
One in Three Adults Have Hypertension
One in three adults around the world has elevated blood pressure, a World Health Organization (WHO) report has indicated. The report also emphasized increasing rates of diabetes and obesity.
Seeing CVD in the Eyes of Diabetics
African Americans have a higher risk of heart disease, especially if they have diabetes. Now, researchers have found a new way to predict heart disease in African American patients.
Integrated Health Care Helps with Depression
Common sense would say that hiring an extra person to oversee a patient’s care would cost a great deal more. However, new research suggests that integrative health care will actually lower cost and improve results in certain cases.
Air Pollution Increasing Hospitalization Risk
A long-term study of older adults has revealed that extended exposure to fine particle air pollution may result in an increased risk of hospitalization for heart and lung disease or diabetes.