Health News
Diabetic Men had More Cardiovascular Events
Men with diabetes may be at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, even if they have no other risk factors. The risk is for diabetic men on insulin therapy and was not as high for men using other therapies for diabetes.
More Time With Diabetes ups Stroke Risk
Diabetes puts you at risk for a number of complications. Your risk of complications may be even greater the longer you have the disease. That is why it is important to spot and treat diabetes early.
Pregnancy Complications Can Predict Heart Disease
Pregnancy-related complications such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia may not just put your health at risk in the short term. Such pregnancy disorders also may affect your risk of heart disease later in life.
Heart at Risk After Birth Complications
Women with pregnancy complications like diabetes or high blood pressure may not be in the clear after giving birth. They need to consider cardiovascular risks down the road.
Drugs That put 'Old Folks' in the Hospital
While medicines help millions of patients battle their illnesses, they also have potentially dangerous side effects. Older adults are especially at risk of hospitalization related to their drug treatments.
Doctors are singing "Let's Get Physical"
Among the most common pieces of advice offered by doctors to their patients: start running, biking, walking, swimming, playing tennis or whatever it takes to get in regular exercise.
Sweets Could Heighten Teen Heart Risk
Parents have long warned teens to skip sugary sweets such as soda and candy to prevent them from loading up on empty calories. New research has revealed that excess sugar consumption could affect their future health.
Have You Had Your Roughage Today?
A spoonful of sugar may help the medicine go down, but a review of studies on dietary fiber shows including enough of it in your diet might mean avoiding medicine in the first place.
A Hearty Dose of Insulin Therapy
People with diabetes are often treated with insulin. Now, it seems that insulin also can repair some of the damage done by heart disease, a condition that diabetes patients are especially prone to.
Got Type Two? Hypertension Drugs Can Wait
People with type 2 diabetes have to keep a close eye on their blood pressure. But that does not mean they have to start taking blood pressure drugs the minute they are diagnosed.