Health News
Stroke Probed in Diabetic Patients
The risk of stroke is higher for diabetic patients than the general population. A new stroke treatment for diabetics may significantly improve survival and chance of disability.
Weight Weighing Life Down
Weight management can be difficult at any age. It is important to achieve and maintain an ideal weight even as we age because life expectancy can decrease with excess weight.
Gout Gets the Royal Treatment
Gout, formerly linked with Europe's royal families, has made its way to middle America. Since 1990, U.S. cases have increased by 50 percent, making it a modern-day royal pain in the joints.
Spice Up Your Health
Spice up your life with some Spice Girls music. They will get you moving and grooving again, which is similar to what spices can do for your health. Spices provide antioxidants which get your heart dancing once again.
Seeing Sudden Death on Dialysis
When a diabetes patient's kidneys fail, that patient has to be put on dialysis. These patients may be at risk of having their heart suddenly stop. Now, researchers have found a way to spot who is most at risk.
Deadly Sweets
How much sugar in your diet is too much? There has always been a disagreement because there hasn't been definitive evidence to link high-sugar diets with heart disease, until now.
Weight is a Weighty Topic
Current approaches for weight loss focus on controlling cravings, but resisting can be difficult when there’s a variety of available food. There may be a better way to lose weight.
Diabetes Test for Your Heart
If you have diabetes, it is important to keep track of your blood sugar levels. The A1C test is the best measure of blood sugar, but it may also let you know about risks to your heart health.
Belly Fat Predicts Heart Disease
Not all fat is created equal, especially when it comes to men with excessive weight around the middle. Some with added belly fat may be at an increased risk of developing heart disease and other serious health problems.
Reducing Risks Could Cut Alzheimer's
Moderate lifestyle changes may seem small, but they can provide large returns in better health. Exercising and smoking cessation are among modifiable changes capable of reducing risk of Alzheimer's disease.