Health News
Being Unable to Conceive
The stress of dealing with infertility take both a physical and emotional toll on women's bodies. Now, there's evidence that this stress can lead to mental health conditions as well.
No HIV Risk with Hormonal Injections
Sexually active women may wonder which form of birth control is the best way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Condom use is the most effective way to prevent HIV infection, says the nation’s top health agency.
Military Women at Higher Risk of Un-intended Pregnancy
There are plenty of contraceptive choices available. Still, many women face an unplanned pregnancy. One recent study says that the risk for unplanned pregnancy could be even higher for military women.
Easier Fertility Regime Possible - 12-Jun-2012 6:00pm CST
Aside from the psychological and emotional stress of fertility problems, going through fertility treatments takes a physical toll on women too. Fortunately, the burden can be lessened
Non-invasive Down Syndrome Test Is Accurate
For most women, prenatal screening is important. Prenatal screening enables doctors to detect diseases or conditions in a growing baby before it is born.
Birth Control Pill Voluntary Recall
If you take Introvale birth control pills, pull out the packaging now and make sure its lot number is not among the ones voluntarily recalled today by the pill's manufacturer Sandoz .
Looking for a Few Good Eggs
Ever take home a product and discover it's missing an essential piece? Imagine having to pick the right microscopic package - for one of the most important experiences of your life.
Pregnancy and Multiple Sclerosis: Are Drugs Safe?
Living with a chronic disease can be difficult. Multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disease that affects the brain and spinal cord, is a condition that’s becoming easier to treat because of advances in medicine. Still, many women worry that the disease could prevent them from having children.
MS occurs when the body’s immune system eats away at the protective sheath, called myelin, that covers nerves, which results in irreversible deterioration of the nerves. The condition is more common among women, especially women between the ages of 20 and 40 – during childbearing age.
Young Teens More Likely to Have Vaginal Delivery
Parents, you can breathe a sigh of relief: teenage pregnancy is becoming less common in the U.S., which is good news because there are many risks associated with teen pregnancy.
Low-dose Contraceptive Patch Works
Finding the right type of birth control can be tricky. A new type of contraceptive may be another option for your birth control.