Health News
Lupus Drug Seems Safe for the Long Haul
Benlysta ( belimumab ) is the first drug in more than 50 years approved for adults with lupus. Studies have shown Benlysta to be an effective tool for fighting lupus. Now, research shows the drug may be safe for long-term use.
Misunderstanding Exercise for Knee Pain
If your knee hurts, exercise might not be on the top of your list of things to do. Nevertheless, staying physically active is a key part of managing knee pain.
Blood Clot Risk in RA
Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that affects more than just your joints. It can spread throughout your body, even causing problems in the vessels that carry blood.
Better Booty Bumping with Arthritis
Living with arthritis can affect many aspects of your daily life - even your sex life. Both the physical and mental tolls of arthritis can make sex unappealing or just plain difficult.
Heart and Diabetes Risks in Lupus
People with lupus are at risk of a variety of heart-related problems. So, researchers wanted to see what factors may lead to metabolic syndrome (a condition that boosts heart disease risk) in lupus patients.
Looking Into the Mirror With Lupus
Being a teenage girl can be rough. You're dealing with many changes to your body and increasing social pressures. It seems adding lupus to the mix may lead to more woes for teenage girls.
Do Anti-TNFs Keep Patients Working?
Chronic pain can make it hard to do your job or to even get a job. Drugs may aid some chronic pain patients with their work troubles. But when it comes to ankylosing spondylitis , it's still unclear if certain drugs help.
Scoring Infection Risk in RA
People with rheumatoid arthritis may have a higher risk of infection than others, but doctors have found it hard to pinpoint each patient's individual risk. Now, doctors may have a new way to rate infection risk.
Spotting Long-Term RA Risk
To give a solid diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, doctors look for a number of signs, including evidence from blood tests. Can these blood tests also show arthritis risk in people who are arthritis-free?
New Guidelines for Sjögren's Syndrome
Many Americans may not know about Sjögren's syndrome. Yet, the condition often affects people with common immune system disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. Until recently, doctors had little guidance on how to diagnose the condition.