Health News
Obesity May Lower Chances of Ridding RA
If you are obese, you are putting extra strain on your joints. That excess weight is known to make osteoarthritis worse. Could obesity also make it harder to treat rheumatoid arthritis?
Obesity and RA on the Rise - Are They Linked?
As rates of obesity continue to rise, so too do rates of related diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis could be one of those related diseases.
From Mouth to Back: Gum Disease and AS
Many diseases are driven by inflammation, or the swelling of tissues and organs. Inflammation plays a part in both arthritis and gum disease. As such, there may be a link between arthritis and gum disease.
Under the Skin: Two Rx's to Treat RA
When it comes to rheumatoid arthritis, there is no one Rx that works best for all patients. A Rx that does wonders for one patient may do little for another. As such, Rx comparisons may be needed.
Sports for Teens with Spondylitis
For many teens, sports are a big part of life. Just because you are a teen with ankylosing spondylitis or another form of spondylitis does not mean you have to sit on the sidelines.
Arthritic Athletes Still Active
Arthritis is a painful condition that can make it difficult to perform daily tasks. But it doesn't have to put your life on hold. There are plenty of arthritis patients out there who continue living active lives. And some of these patients you may even recognize.
Arthritic Kids Face Lung Problems
Inflammatory arthritis isn't only for adults. Children can develop the condition too. This means they are not only faced with pain but also complications of living with an inflammatory disease.
Ladies with Lupus Skipping Paps
For women under 30, yearly screening is one of the best ways to detect cervical cancer. Unfortunately, many women with lupus - a condition linked to cervical problems - may be skipping out on screening.
Holiday Gifts for Arthritis Patients
For many patients, arthritis can make it hard to do daily activities like getting dressed, cooking or gardening. Fortunately, there are many tools to help arthritis patients complete such tasks.
Post-Surgery Problems for RA Patients
When arthritis causes permanent joint damage, many patients turn to joint replacement surgery. While hip and knee replacement surgeries can lead to huge improvements, they still carry serious risks.