Health News

RA Patients Waiting for Drug Treatment
Even in the first few years of rheumatoid arthritis, your joints can become badly damaged. So doctors often put patients on strong drug treatment early in the course of disease.
Bone Density and Broken Backs in AS
Ankylosing spondylitis affects the joints of your spine. Over time, these joints can become badly damaged. This damage could be breaking backs.
RA Linked to Lower Gut Problems
People with rheumatoid arthritis are at risk for a number of complications, such as heart disease and lung disease. Now, it appears these arthritis patients have to watch out for gut problems too.
RA Patients: Don't Quit Your Statins
When you stop taking a medication, your body can react poorly to the change. This may be the case for arthritis patients who stop taking a type of cholesterol-lowering drug.
Protective Partners for Arthritis Drugs
Some drugs used to relieve the pain of arthritis can do damage to your digestive tract. This is why many arthritis patients take other medications to protect their digestive system.
Racial Gap in RA Drug Prescriptions
In recent decades, powerful drugs have been made to fight rheumatoid arthritis. Unfortunately, some patients may not be getting the chance to use them.
RA Patients Get Good Care in Surgery
People with rheumatoid arthritis may face a higher risk of heart problems. This increased risk means that patients need to be screened for risks before surgery. Are current screening methods enough?
Not-So-Expert Lupus Treatment
The power to control your lupus comes in part from the specialists who work with you. The amount and type of treatment you get may depend on their ability to communicate with one another.
Muscle and Fat are Signs of RA Disability
To best treat rheumatoid arthritis, doctors need to know how the disease is taking a toll on patients' joints. But it's not always easy to tell how disabled a patient is. So, how can doctors measure disability?
Cat Scratch Fever Bacteria Linked to RA
Cats are a common creature in households around the United States. We love our furry friends. But they can also carry a bacteria that could be giving us illnesses like arthritis.