Health News

A Dollar Now Will Get You $11 Later
An early education program for children from low-income families generates an estimated $4 to $11 of economic benefits over a child's lifetime for every dollar spent on the program, according to a new analysis.
Folate Ain't Helping
According to a new study, folate may not protect against premature birth, as was previously thought.
Mature Lungs of the Premature
Babies born prematurely face an increased risk of many health complications, including death. Even if a newborn's lungs are fully developed, the increased risk of death remains, according to a new study.
Communicating a Failure to Communicate
Newcastle University scientists have identified a new gene which will allow rapid diagnosis and earlier treatment of a debilitating neuromuscular condition
Preventing Preterm Birth
Two new studies show how progesterone treatments and oral hygiene help to prevent preterm birth.
Process This: Babies Who Eat Better May Grow Up to be Smarter
A new analysis finds that children who eat primarily processed foods that are high in sugar and fats may have lower subsequent IQs than children whose diets include high vitamin and nutrient-rich content.
Female Facebook Users Can Develop Eating Disorders
A new study from the University of Haifa finds girls who spend more time on Facebook, the social networking Web site, are more likely to develop eating disorders.
Pediatric Cancer Underfunded
A report supported by the European Union-funded project Eurocancercoms says funding for children's cancer research is too low to sustain improvements.
Paternal Cancer May Influence Congenital Birth Abnormalities
A new study finds offspring from male cancer survivors face a slight increase in major congenital birth abnormalities compared to offspring from fathers with no history of cancer.
Healthy Smiles
The McGrinn Twins are back. Flossy and Buck McGrinn, along with Den and Gen Smiley, are reminding kids "A Healthy Smile? It's Easy to Find! Remember to brush and floss every day!"