Health News

Reducing the Achievement Gap
A new study reveals that during primary care visits health care providers have an outstanding opportunity to help young children prepare for school.
Caring for the Un-Cared For
A new study supports results from previous studies that show how the quality of child care and home environments impact the social and emotional health of a child.
Little Broken Hearts
As Valentine's day approaches, thoughts turn to matters of the heart. And while the day may be a painful reminder of a broken heart for some, there are children every day who are born with a literal broken heart.
Bigger Babies, Bigger Lungs
The health of premature babies' lungs may get better with improved nutrition and weight gain, according to a study by University of Michigan researchers.
Something Like a Cold Leads to Diabetes
Although the causes of type 1 diabetes remain largely unknown, Australian researchers have added support to the evidence showing that cold-like viruses may be responsible for the disease.
Mealtime Matters
Researchers have identified a link between the health of children with asthma and the quality of family interactions at mealtime.
Certain Vaccines May Help Guard Against Childhood Cancer
Children vaccinated against hepatitis B might be at a lower risk of developing leukemia, according to a new study.
The Scores Are In
A new state scorecard on health care for children found that millions of children could become insured, gain access to preventive care, and get vaccinated if all states did as well as the top-performing states.
Love Your Baby's Brain
Two new studies reveal how a mother's love is good for her baby's developing brain.
Give Kids a Smile Day
As part of the American Dental Association's Give Kids a Smile program, thousands of dentists and their teams around the United States will provide free oral health services to underserved areas and children frmo low-income families. With all the talk about health insurance reform still in the news, it's surprising that dental insurance has been so rarely mentioned. All over the United States, many more children go without dental insurance than health insurance, which means that a simple procedure to fix a tooth ache is either unattainable or costs parents a substantial amount of t...