Health News

The US Boozing Habit
Many people enjoy a drink on occasion to unwind or celebrate, but drinking to excess regularly may be a sign to seek help for an alcohol disorder.
Can Chantix Make a Comeback?
For many longtime smokers, quitting cold turkey is far from easy. But there may now be some good news for smokers looking to kick the habit.
Just for Kids: Summer Fun, Summer Health
The end of the school year is here. That means now may be a good time to start thinking about how to keep your kids healthy and safe this summer.
Stand up for Your Health at Work
Eyeing that sit-stand desk at work? It may help curb the health risks of sitting all day.
How a Change to Breast Cancer Surgery Might Help Patients
When it comes to breast cancer surgery, a slightly wider scope may lead to better outcomes for patients.
Soft Tissue Fillers in Face May Pose Risks
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today issued a warning regarding the unintentional injection of soft tissue filler into blood vessels in the face.
You May Want to Think Before You Ink
Tattoos have really gone mainstream in the last decade or so, but for some, tattoos can leave a long-lasting mark — in more ways than one.
Drinking May Harm Older Hearts
If you're over 65, you may want to consult your heart before you take that next sip.
What Women Need to Know About Blood Clots
Taking "the pill" has become a routine part of life for many women around the world. But that doesn't mean birth control pills are entirely without risk.
Mind Your Bones
Older adults are commonly prescribed drugs to strengthen their bones and combat injury. But these may be unnecessary when it comes to preventing one dangerous ailment.