Health News
Experimental Treatments Tried in Wave of E Coli Outbreak
In an effort to aid patients in the wake of the deadly E. coli outbreak, a German team of doctors is trying something new.
E. Coli Treatment Could be Reality
A life-saving treatment for E. coli could have been developed more than a decade ago but stalled because of lack of commercial interest.
Two New Hepatitis C Drugs Butt Marketing Heads
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an infectious disease which is 100 times more infectious than HIV. People who inject drugs or engage in unprotected sex account for most people who are infected with hepatitis C.
E. Coli not found in testing of sprouts
Just a day after pinpointing a sprout farm as the likely cause of an E coli outbreak, German agriculture authorities have revealed that 23 of the 40 produce samples tested did not contain the toxic contamination.
Sprouts Likely E. Coli Culprit
The mass E. coli outbreak sweeping Germany that has sickened moire than 2,200 and killed 22 is now believed to be linked to organic vegetable sprouts grown in Germany.
E Coli: Keeping it Safe
While the scope of the E. coli outbreak in Europe continues to develop, many in the United States are pondering food safety. So far, there has been no reason to believe an outbreak might immediately occur in the US.
America not Immune to E. Coli Outbreak
The E. coli outbreak in Europe continues to expand with the US Centers for Disease Control reporting 470 sickened with a type of kidney failure associated with E coli and nine confirmed deaths.
Women Are One in Four of New HIV Infections in Ontario
Despite significant headway in HIV care and prevention, women account for 25 percent of new HIV cases in Ontario, Canada. Of these newly infected women, 93 percent acquired HIV by sexual contact. Additionally, 60 percent of these new female cases are immigrants.
E. coli Outbreak
You’ve probably heard about E. coli and its different strains that cause people to become ill. Well a new more dangerous strain has taken over Europe and is causing alarm.
Tobacco Plants for New Drugs
The global market for botanical and plant-derived drugs is expected to balloon to over $32 billion in 2013. Researchers in Germany have answered this expensive call with potentially low-cost therapies.