Health News
New Ways to Fight E. Coli Infection
Now that the deadly E. coli outbreak in Germany is winding down, attention is being turned to prevention. One expert has decided to focus on ways to thwart E. coli poisoning.
On Guard! For HPV with Gardasil
It only makes sense that, to eradicate a sexually-transmitted disease, both sexes need to be vaccinated prior to engaging in sexual activity, which would mean before puberty or early teens.
FDA approves Boostrix
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today approved Boostrix vaccine to prevent tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough) in people ages 65 and older.
Worse Outcomes for Patients at Isolated Rural Hospitals
Patients at smaller, rural hospitals may not be getting the same quality of care as some of the larger hospitals inside major cities. A study indicates patients at these less accessible hospitals have a greater chance of dying from serious illnesses such as congestive heart failure.
Source of May E. Coli Outbreak Pinpointed
After weeks of wrongly fingering the source of the deadly German E. coli, the European Food Safety Authority has confirmed in a report that one lot of contaminated fenugreek seeds from Egypt likely caused the May outbreak that sickened thousands.
Vaccine for Kids Rocks
Rotavirus can happen to anyone, but is most dangerous for infants and the elderly. A vaccine is now available for young children between the ages of 6 and 12 weeks.
Hepatitis C May Be Stopped Dead in its Tracks
Three percent of the world's population are infected with the hepatitis C virus, which is a leading cause of organ transplants, liver cancer and liver-related deaths.
Importance of Regular HIV Testing
People in the high risk group for contracting HIV, which includes gay men, substance abusers, bisexual men and those with multiple sex partners should test once a year and always use condoms, especially when multiple partners are involved.
Water Park Illness Preventable But Few Take Precaution
When arriving at a water park on a hot summer day such as July 4, a busy holiday weekend for such attractions, children are usually ready to immediately ride water slides. But parents might be forgetting to enforce an important rule.
Aging HIV Drugs?
Much has been said about the exciting results achieved with antiretroviral drugs in treating HIV. They are groundbreaking, extending lives and helping eradicate the spread of these diseases.