Health News
Introducing Peanuts to Infants
The time health experts are saying you should introduce peanuts into your infant's diet may surprise you.
The Right Way to Wear Contacts
The majority of people who wore contact lenses were not wearing or caring for them correctly, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Yellow Fever Vaccine Out of Stock
Planning to travel to Africa or Central or South America? Preparing for your trip may be a little more complicated than usual, according to the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC).
Check Your Cabinet for These Supplements
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning about the possible contamination of several drugs and dietary supplements.
Outbreak Linked to Papayas
Health officials are investigating an outbreak of multiple strains of salmonella .
Opioid Prescriptions: A Persistent Problem
Despite an overall decline in the number of opioids prescribed during the last nine years, the amount remained high, according to a new report.
Home Medication Errors on the Rise
Medication errors at home have drastically increased over the years, according to a new study.
These Lead Tests May Be Inaccurate
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are warning that some lead tests may not provide accurate results.
Don't Be Fooled by Cancer 'Cure' Products
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning consumers about products claiming to cure cancer.
Your Kids Might Extend Your Life
Being a parent could extend your life, according to a new study.