Health News
To Work or Not to Work, Mom?
New mothers trying to decide whether to work or stay home with their children may find they actually can get the best of both worlds when they work part-time, according to a ten-year study.
Pregnancy Increases Risk for Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious bacterial infection that affects your lungs. It’s not very common in the U.S., only affecting about 11,000 Americans yearly. But there’s one group that may be more susceptible to TB: pregnant women.
Do Birth Control Drugs Cause Blood Clots?
Women who use oral contraception, take caution: Birth control pills that contain the hormone drospirenone may cause blood clots. Government officials are still examining study data and will decided whether the pills’ benefits outweigh the risk.
Diabetics Are More Likely to Have C-Sections
If you’re diabetic and pregnant, you probably know that you’re at greater risk for a difficult childbirth, compared to women who aren’t diabetic. Researchers now know why.
Imaging Test Prevents Difficult Childbirth
Many pregnant women worry that the joy and excitement of childbirth may be hindered because of problems during delivery. A new test can help predict whether the delivery will be smooth or difficult.
Planning Your Family: Is It Time?
Bringing a child into the world can be a beautiful experience. While some women are mentally and physically ready to get pregnant, others need more time. Whether you are thinking about having your first child or you already have kids, it is important to think about family planning issues.
Babies Who Eat Fish at Lower Risk of Pre-School Wheeze
Some moms may be reluctant to give their baby fish because of concern over fish mercury levels. However, new moms may want to reconsider fish as part of their infant’s diet, as a recent study shows that feeding your baby fish in the first nine months can help prevent pre-school wheeze.
Hysterectomy Raises Risk for Early Menopause
A hysterectomy, or surgery to remove a woman’s uterus, is a common procedure used to treat many health conditions, including gynecologic cancer, fibroids and endometriosis.
Contraceptive Side Effects
Certain birth control pills are more likely to cause serious blood clots than others. The newer forms of progesterone combined with hormonal contraceptives carry a higher risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) than older forms of the pill.
Baby-Friendly Hospitals on Horizon
Breastfeeding is one of the most effective preventive measures a mother can take to protect the health of her infant. It lowers medical costs, provides invaluable immunities, and helps protect against childhood obesity and many other illnesses including diabetes, sudden infant death syndrome, respiratory and ear infections.