Health News

So What About Plastics and Breast Cancer?
You've heard stories about a compound found in plastics called BPA. It's been linked to all sorts of health issues. So what about BPA and breast cancer?
Run Forrest Run!
You remember the scene in "Forrest Gump" where his friend Jenny urges him to "Run Forrest run!" to get away from a pesky group of kids. He takes off, the braces that have been shackling him fly off. And he's free.
Younger More Ferocious Breast Cancer
Though still rare, when breast cancer shows up in women in their 30s , it's not a kinder, gentler form of the disease. Quite the opposite. Scientists are beginning to understand why this is and what interventions might calm its cruelty.
Seesawing Between Breast and Colon Cancers
When a woman has a baby, the cells of her unborn child circulate in her body for decades after childbirth. Likewise, some of her cells are in the body of her child for years, too. This is called microchimerism .
E-vading Cancer
The anti-cancer benefits of vitamin E have been all over the map. Some studies say it increases a person's cancer risk; others suggest just the opposite. Scientists have hit a slick spot in this discussion.
Wait Just a Minute on Dissing Brachytherapy!
Researchers are competitive types. They have to be to compete for funding for their salaries, lab equipment, even pencils they use. Two researchers have vastly different views about a recently published study on breast cancer radiation therapy. En garde...Fence!
Risks of Breast Brachytherapy
After a lumpectomy you can choose - 1) 5-7 weeks of 5-day-a-week radiation treatments, or 2) surgical implanting of a radiation tube ( brachytherapy ) that stays in place for 5-7 days - and you're done. Easy choice, right? Not so fast. Women with early breast cancer who choose to have brachytherapy following a lumpectomy are far more likely to need a later mastectomy than women who had so-called whole breast irradiation. Those who received brachytherapy are also more likely to have more post-surgical complications and radiation toxicity.  Ask you doctor the risks and benefits o...
Breast Cancer Screenings Controversy Continues
Cancer screening guidelines and recommendations are utterly confusing. For example, if you're a woman in your 40s , do you have mammography or not? A review of a massive amount of data may help you have a more informed discussion with your doctor about what's best for you. In looking at the benefits and harms of breast cancer screenings in women aged 40-49, a group of researchers has determined that two risk factors are most important to consider - the type of breast tissue a woman has and her family history. For women who have these risks, every-other-year screening may be a go...
"White Russian" Roulette: Drinking & Breast Cancer
One day you hear red wine is good for you. The next day you read that any alcohol is bad for you. To add fuel to the flame of confusion, new research shows a possible link between alcohol and increased breast cancer - but this may or may not be so for you.
Breast Cancer Actually 10 Different Diseases
Breast cancer is one type of malignancy - right? Wrong. New research has found that the most predominant cancer in women - outside of skin cancer - actually is ten different diseases.