Health News

Which is Better – Film or Digital Mammography?
Film – X-ray film – has been used for taking mammograms for over 40 years. The main problem with film is that it doesn’t pick up everything. And as with everything else in the world, along comes a digital form of mammography.
Can Vitamin E Prevent Cancer?
The rare disorder called Cowden Syndrome causes tumor-like growths all over the body. People with the condition are at risk of developing breast and thyroid cancers, among others. Research is making strides in changing those odds.
Is Breast Cancer Linked To Ovarian Cancer?
New research into the genetic make-up of breast cancer has confirmed some things about the disease and offered intriguing new insights – and opportunities. This knowledge could well lead to new drug therapies.
FDA Approves Breast Tissue Ultrasound
The US Food and Drug Administration approved the first ultrasound device for use in combination with a standard mammography in women with dense breast tissue who have a negative mammogram and no symptoms of breast cancer.
Turning a Bad-Hood Into a Good One
Triple-negative cancer is a fast-growing, aggressive cancer that likes to strike young women and African-American women. Currently, there’s nothing for medicines to target with this cancer – but that could be changing.
Ultrasound Imaging System For Dense Breasts
Screening dense breasts with mammography is tricky business. That’s because some of the tissue looks like tumors on X-ray images. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a new system that makes this task simpler and more effective.
Insulin Type May Not Boost Cancer Risk
Some patients with type 2 diabetes need an extra boost of insulin from the outside to get their blood sugar under control. Researchers wanted to see if one insulin treatment option carries a risk of cancer.
Fewer Zzz's May Mean Worse Breast Cancer
It's hard to get a full eight hours of sleep each night. But it's important. For women with breast cancer, it's extremely important.
Breast Cancer Chemotherapy and Heart Problems
A common treatment for breast cancer is chemotherapy. This involves using different drugs to kill cancer cells wherever they are in the body. Two commonly used chemotherapy drugs have some dangerous side effects.
Radiation May Increase Increased Breast Cancer Risks
Women who inherited one of the BRCA genes already have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Certain medical tests – performed at certain ages – may increase those increased risks.