Game Changer: Leukemia More Complex than Thought
Researchers at Ontario Cancer Institute (OCI) and collaborators at St Jude Children's Research Hospital are challenging the conventional view of how leukemia progresses.
Screen Test for Liver Cancer: Ready for Your Close-Up?
Patients with cirrhosis are at higher risk of developing a form of cancer known as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
Mutated Gene Appears in One of Three Kidney Cancer Patients
Scientists have pinpointed a gene (PBRM1) that is mutated in approximately one out of three patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC), the most common form of kidney cancer.
Skip the Sun, Eat Your Veggies
Eating a diet rich in fruit and vegetables can give your skin a healthier glow than the sun, according to a study from The University of Nottingham.
Clinical Trial for Sutent Stopped
A phase-3 clinical trial studying the effects of Sutent (sunitinib) has been halted early as the drug is shown to be effective in treating advanced pancreatic islet cell tumors.
A Closer Look at a Killer
New research from Johns Hopkins University suggests why some people with a rare pancreatic cancer are able to live for a decade or longer from diagnosis.
Food for Thought
A new study suggests efforts to determine the nutritional effect on Alzheimer's disease could be improved by using nutrient “biomarkers” in elderly people at risk for dementia.
Double-Duty Detection
Mammograms may be able to serve another purpose besides detecting breast cancer. The diagnostic tool has been shown to detect calcifications in the blood vessels of patients with advanced kidney disease.
A Crystal Ball for Colon Cancer?
A genetic test may be able to identify those with stage II colon cancer who face a higher risk of recurrence, according to new research from Germany.