Protecting Against Parkinson's
Researchers from the Scripps Research Institute have demonstrated the first known compound to show considerable effectiveness in protecting brain cells affected by Parkinson's disease.
Bypassing Certain Risks
Coronary bypass grafting (CABG) surgery may result in damage to heart muscle, causing increased risk of death, even in patients who appear to do well after the procedure.
Stayin' Alive, with Fiber!
Dietary fiber intake may be linked to lower death risk from cardiovascular disease, infection and respiratory disease, according to a new study.
The Cost of Living
Young, uninsured stroke patients and those with only Medicare Part D coverage often cannot afford stroke medications and thus face future stroke and cardiovascular event risks.
Rehab for Hearts
Automatic referral to cardiac rehabilitation following a discussion between clinician and patient is linked to better use of this life-saving therapy.
Fooled by Folic Acid?
According to a new study working with rat animal models, female offspring of rats who took folic acid supplements before conception, during pregnancy and while breast-feeding have twice the rate of breast cancer.
Rush Delivery
Two University of Houston professors are working to cut down on the amount of time it takes to develop new antibiotics.