Change May Be Depressing for Men
As the economic and social environments of Western countries are changing, psychiatrists predict a shift in the condition of men's mental health, and it's not for the better.
Sugary Drinks Put on the Pressure
Patients with high blood pressure already have to watch their salt intake. Now, new research suggests that they may also have to pay attention to the sugar in their drinks.
Don't Fear the Fever
Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence that a fever causes an illness to worsen among children. In a new article, researchers explain how parents should react if their child comes down with a fever.
This Drug is Not for Preemies
The FDA has warned health care professionals that an antiretroviral drug used to treat HIV infection may lead to serious heart, kidney, and breathing problems in premature babies.
Practice Makes Perfect With Alzheimer's Research
Drug development for any condition requires an immense amount of testing and time. Hopefully the process for developing drugs to treat Alzheimer's disease just got a lot faster, thanks to stem cells.
Losing Balance After Breast Cancer
Survivors of breast cancer may find it hard to stand strong as a result of the therapies they endured while fighting the cancer, according to new research.
Diagnosis Made Easier to Swallow
Current tests for diagnosing food allergies are costly, time-consuming, and can potentially cause severe reactions. To solve some of these problems, researchers have developed an online tool for diagnosing allergies.
Cancer Patients: Sign Me Up
As cancer affects millions of Americans every year, researchers are trying to find the most effective treatments and cures. Doing so often requires patients to undergo many intrusive tests for clinical studies.
Asthma: State of the Disease
If you are one of the 17.5 million adults or 7.1 million children in the U.S. who suffer from asthma, keeping up with all the most recent research and news can be dizzying.
Ceasing Seizures Causes Cleft
The FDA is warning mother's about a drug that may cause a deformity in infants born to mothers who use it to treat their epilepsy.