Getting the Heart Back to Work
After a heart attack, parts of the heart muscle can become damaged, making it harder to pump the usual amount of blood. Now, researchers may have found a way to get these damaged parts back to work.
Outgrowing Milk Allergy
Milk allergy is the most common food allergy among children. However, new research shows that milk allergy is just a stage for some children.
"Turned Off" in Human Tumors
Researchers have gained new insights into one of the most aggressive tumors affecting humans, Burkitt's lymphoma cancer. There may be new ways of treating this painful and deadly disease with a new mechanism responsible for breaking down the genetic protections against tumors.
Misguided Kidney Tests for Heart Risk
To evaluate the risk of heart disease in patients with chronic kidney disease, doctors run tests that measure certain biomarkers, specifically blood levels of phosphorus, parathyroid hormone, and calcium. Kidney disease patients are regularly tested to gauge their risk of heart disease, but new research casts doubt on the usefulness of these tests.
Quicker Recovery for Your Knee
Get your physical therapy started early following knee replacement surgery to save time, money and to run your next 5K. Knee rehabilitation improved patient outcomes by reducing pain, increasing joint motion in leg flexion and extension, improving muscle strength, and improving gait and balance.
These 'Dietary Supplements' May Kill You
"Cut the fat without all the work!" "Exercise not necessary!" These are the misleading marketing messages on many weight-loss products directed to people looking to shed pounds quickly and easily. But do they work and are they safe for you?
Erectile Dysfunction and Depression Side Effects
Long-lasting sexual and mental health complications may be caused by class of commonly used drugs found in hair loss medications and the treatment of urinary problems in men with an enlarged prostate. Complications can lead to erectile dysfunction, depression, and a reduced sex drive.
Mental Health Disorders Under 5 Years Old
We usually think mental health disorders are adult problems, but children under 5 years old may also suffer emotional issues. Children often do not receive treated because of the assumption their minds are not complex enough to develop mental problems, or they will grow out of a 'phase'.
Solving The Mystery of Making Insulin
Researchers think they have identified what controls the secretion of insulin on a molecular level, a discovery that may improve treating diabetes. A protein called Snapin may be the switch that releases insulin - the hormone that manages blood sugar levels - from the pancreas.