Wherever Thou Goest, Menopause Will Go
Whales have often held the fascination of many people, and women may have more in common with these magnificent creatures that cruise our oceans than we originally thought, particularly women in menopause.
Facebook Status: Depressed?
In recent years, children have gone from playing outdoors to spending their time inside using Facebook or Twitter. A new report suggests that not only are kids being influenced by online activities, but that these online activities could lead to “Facebook depression".
Working with Arthritis
Many people with arthritis report having some workplace difficulties. A recent study shows that these difficulties do not necessarily make arthritis patients less productive on the job.
Up in Smoke
In life, expect the unexpected. In science, expect the unexpected.
Now, That is Gutsy
Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis (UC) can be difficult to treat, with patients trying many different medications to get their symptoms under control.
Health Illiteracy in America
Many older Americans have low health literacy, or the ability to understand health information.
As If Things Weren’t Bad Enough
Menopause is a difficult transistion for many women, but new research indicates that exposure to man-made chemicals may hurry up the process. 
Women And Gout
Gout is usually viewed as a male disease, but growing evidence suggests the disease is also a concern for older women. A new study states that obesity, alcohol use and diuretic use expose women to more risk for gout.
Just the Blues or Depression?
You don't have the energy for much of anything - work or fun. Nothing seems exciting. Food either doesn't interest you or offers only a few minutes of comfort.
There's a Secret to Surviving Diabetes
Diabetes can lead to many other health problems, including eye, kidney, and heart disease. Researchers have found that some people with type 1 diabetes may have a natural protection against these serious complications.