Mary Tyler Moore to have Brain Surgery
Beloved television actress Mary Tyler Moore, is undergoing surgery to remove a tumor that is usually benign (not cancerous).
Recover Faster
People fall, trip, or slip all the time, but what happens when you twist, tear, or break something? Recovery time for injuries that impair muscle function can vary greatly.
Weak Heart and Broken Bones
As people grow older, they have a higher risk of heart problems and broken bones. In fact, there may be a relationship between heart failure and bone loss.
Cancer and Sexual Orientation
Demographic information regarding sexual orientation and general health is scarce. According to a new research study, the kind of person you are attracted to may affect cancer survivorship.
Treating Infant Lung Disease
Ureaplasma bacteria, a primitive infection not normally tested for unless women are seeking fertility treatments, can also be passed from mother to child.
Being a Night Owl Isn't Good For Your Health
Staying up until the wee hours of the morning may potentially lead to your weight to increase. Sleep disorder researchers exploring the relationship between the circadian timing of sleeping, eating and body mass index (BMI) report that this up and down relationship was studied for the first time in the United States.
Spotting Off-Beat Heart Rhythms
Your heart is supposed to have a fairly steady rhythm. But when it starts to go off beat, you may be in trouble. In fact, you could be facing death. Now, there is a new way for doctors to spot this heart problem.
Smoke Puts the Pressure on Boys
Once again, research is showing that second-hand smoke can seriously affect those who breathe it. Second-hand smoke may even have a lasting effect on children, according to a recent study.
Anti-Inflammatory Drug Also an Anti-Cancer Drug?
Inflammation is thought to play a role in the development and growth of cancer. Researchers have now discovered that treating inflammation may help fight breast cancer.
Stopping the Burn Might Break a Bone
It's important to take care of your heartburn because it could lead to worse problems, including cancer. Doctors often give patients certain drugs for their heartburn. Yet, like many other drugs, heartburn medications can have some serious side effects.