Close Counts in Horseshoes and Sleep Apnea
Researchers wanted to observe if patients with slight obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), those close to but not quite qualifying by current standards for a prescription of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), would benefit from CPAP therapy.
Pregnant Smoking Has Another Bad Effect
Can smoking while pregnant cause genetic changes which make the child more at risk for asthma development? Researchers answer with a resounding, "yes."
COPD's Exercising Shines with Vitamin D
Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often have difficulty exercising due to their diminished lung capacity.
Former Cowboy Ron Springs Dead at 54
Ron Springs, former running back for the Dallas Cowboys, died last Thursday from a heart attack, according to the Cowboys website. He was 54 years old.
Taking out Tonsils for Kids' Hearts
Hey, kids! Do you want to eat ice cream for a week and protect your heart health? Well, research shows that getting your tonsils removed might let you do just that.
Breathing Better Helps Their Hearts
For many people, having sleep apnea just makes it hard to sleep. For many others it can lead to dangerous heart problems. Now, research shows that a certain treatment can lower the risk of heart-related death in some sleep apnea patients.