Dealing with KRAS Genes
Alterations in the KRAS gene make for one hellava difficult cancer foe. Colon cancers that are driven by this gene resist all known treatments. This log jam may have been busted through thanks to new research.
Why Quit Now?
Not surprisingly, most people who enjoy tobacco find that their priorities have shifted on the day they've been diagnosed with cancer. Even more quit smoking at some point in the months afterwards. Most people; but not everyone.
Tobacco Smoke has the Power to Change
While tobacco smoke has been proven to cause cancer, exactly how this occurs is not well understood. Now it looks like two products in tobacco smoke may also make a certain type of lung cancer harder to treat.
Children Abused Due to Perceived Sexuality
Children who are interested in activities not typical of their gender are more likely to face abuse. One in ten children is affected, and sadly, in most cases the child is abused by his or her own parents.
Drink up Your Colon Cancer Risk
A long-standing Harvard study of 135,151 people over a 20-year period has given researchers a lot of data to work with. The most recent of these findings involves the relationship between alcohol and colon cancer.
Get Off That Couch - Every Week!
Successfully adding regular exercise into your life doesn't happen overnight. Obvious as it may sound, your level of motivation really does matter each and every week.
Heart at Risk After Birth Complications
Women with pregnancy complications like diabetes or high blood pressure may not be in the clear after giving birth. They need to consider cardiovascular risks down the road.
Detecting Birth Defects on the Horizon
Doctors may soon be able to screen for a disorder with potentially fatal heart problems, giving doctors a better opportunity to immediately treat babies born with the condition.
Multiple Personality Disorder Unraveled
For most people, sleep problems can cause a range of health issues, but new research reveals they may contribute to a different mental health problem: dissociative identity disorder.
The Many Miracles of Aspirin
Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) are inexpensive, common and effective against pain relief. But if inflammation is involved in cancer formation, what else might these drugs do?