Knowledge Aids Prevention for Adopted Youth
If you’re considering adoption or have already adopted, understanding the family history of a child can help predict and possibly prevent psychological struggles.
Merck Cholesterol Drug Delayed
Drugmaker Merck & Co. announced Monday that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not approve its investigational combination cholesterol-lowering drug.
Antidepressants and Pregnancy: A Trade Off
Expectant mothers with depression or anxiety may debate whether to continue or cease taking their mood meds during pregnancy, and it appears their babies are likely affected either way.
Happy 50th - Wishing You a Clear Colonoscopy
It's a fairly well-known guideline. Start colorectal cancer screenings at age 50. Yet, far too many folks in this age group ignore these recommendations - a decision that can be deadly. Now these guidelines have been updated.
Why are Older Women Still Receiving Radiotherapy?
A great deal of attention is being paid to the benefits and harms produced by both screening tests and treatments for various types of cancer. The microscope has been turned on radiation therapy (radiotherapy) being used with older breast cancer patients.
The "Relative Age Effect"
If your child’s birth date falls on the cusp between academic years, dependent on which side, he or she may face a greater chance of being diagnosed with ADHD. This phenomenon, deemed the “relative age effect,” occurs independent of state or cut-off date.
Don't Take More of What You Don't Need
Before popping a multi-vitamin, you might check the label to see how much selenium it has. Too much of this beneficial mineral can cause health problems, and you may already get enough.
HIV Among Needle-Drug Users Down 50%
A new report has revealed a small victory in the fight against HIV in the United States: The HIV rate among intravenous drug users has dropped by fifty percent in the past decade.