Breathing Diesel Fumes can Take Your Breath Away
Nothing very appealing about taking whiffs of truck exhaust. The exposure isn't just unappealing, though. It may be deadly.
Glow-in-the-Dark for Monitoring Throat Cancer
For some types of cancer, particularly malignancies of the throat, there is a period of time before the cancer is fully developed where it could go either way. New ways of monitoring these precancerous areas to catch cancer earlier are under development.
Molecular Way to Control Pancreatic Cancer
Cancer can be thought of as a series of tiny molecular mistakes adding up until the situation is out of control. New research has detailed the specifics of the process occurring in pancreatic cancer.
No T Cells Allowed: Guarding Against RA
Treatments for rheumatoid arthritis come in two forms: treatments that deal with symptoms and those that attack the disease itself. Now, scientists may discovered a new target for that second type of treatment.
Do Contraceptives Increase Your Cancer Risks?
You're taking the pill, or maybe you've tried one of the injectable contraceptives. Now you hear something about an association between birth control and cancer and you start to freak. No need to.
Success With Treating Resistant Hypertension
About 12 percent of patients with hypertension have a resistant form in which blood pressure remains high even while taking several drugs. A new minimally-invasive solution may be on the horizon.
Moms are Accepting Depression Therapy
With her hormones fluctuating, her body expanding and her responsibilities increasing, many moms experience bouts of depression both before and after childbirth.  
Your Blood May Predict Steroid Resistance
Steroid resistance may not be known until the treatment fails for asthma patients. Blood testing may help predict resistance so asthma patients can choose the right treatment.
An end to Drugs After Organ Transplant?
A kidney transplant can save a person's life. But people with a transplanted kidney often have to take anti-rejection drugs for much of their lives. A new discovery may make these drugs unnecessary for some.
Home Glaucoma Monitoring Helps Treat Young and Old
Parents may soon be able to aid doctors in monitoring their child's glaucoma, or even their own. An at-home test capable of measuring pressure within the eye could provide added information that helps improve their treatment.