It Takes Two to Treat Cystic Fibrosis
Treating cystic fibrosis may be a two-fold problem according to researchers. A new study highlights two cellular defects which could lead to improved cystic fibrosis treatment.
Increased Stress During Active Service
There are dramatic mental health implications for those actively serving in the armed services. Recent findings reveal army suicide rates have dramatically increased in recent years.
Parental Teamwork: Harder With Violence
Couples that are living together have more trouble acting as a team if they are violent to one another. This is not extreme violence or domestic abuse, but common violent actions born from arguments or frustration.
Oh Baby! Treating Labor Pains
Among the most painful rites of passage for moms is the first one: labor. But with the many methods available for reducing labor pain, which ones has research proven most effective?
One Neck of a Gene
Drinking too much alcohol, smoking too much tobacco and now being infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV) are known risk factors for throat cancer. A newly identified gene also plays a role.
Age Makes the Difference
By the time neuroblastoma  - a common childhood brain cancer - is discovered, it has usually already spread. The younger the child is at the time the disease is found, the better. Scientists are beginning to understand why.
Good Sleep is Good for the Heart
Treating sleep apnea does more than ensure you get enough good quality sleep. It might also help protect you from getting a heart attack.
Dimming the Flame of Pain: Arthritis and All That
Your joints may feel tight. Your hips might hurt so bad that you can barely walk. Your back may feel so weak that you cannot even sit up straight. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you might have arthritis.
Molecular Feedback Found in Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is the worst, and unfortunately, the most common form of pancreatic cancer. Researchers are getting a grip on what makes this cancer so aggressive.
Spreading Knowledge, Not HIV, for Women
Most people are aware of the heavy toll that AIDS has taken on sub-Saharan Africa, and in the United States, the male homosexual community. However, a growing segment of people affected by AIDS are females in the United States.