EMS Key in Heart Attack Care
"Door to balloon" time, or the amount of time from when a patient arrives at the hospital until they receive angioplasty to open a clogged artery, has long been considered critical in improving outcomes.
Pancreatic Cancer: A Genetic Maze
More and more is coming to light about pancreatic cancer. And the more scientists know, the greater the chances of detecting it early on and finding ways to treat this serious disease.
Vice President Cheney Gets a New Heart
Former Vice President Dick Cheney is recovering at a Virginia hospital following a heart transplant on Saturday. His office made the announcement Sunday.
More Molecular Tools for Fighting Cancer
A major focus of scientific research in medicine in the past few decades has been working with the immune system to find ways to use antibodies as a smart bomb for therapy, targeting exact molecules only found on cancer cells.
Raising Salt Awareness
At least 90 percent of Americans consume more than the daily recommended salt intake, a leading contributor to high blood pressure. Most aren't even checking the sodium content of their favorite foods.
Disrupting Prostate Cancer Metabolism
Just as we do, cancer cells have their own metabolism. It's how they nourish themselves to keep growing. Zeroing in on this activity and specific genes associated with cell metabolism opens up a whole new world of therapeutic possibilities.
HPV and Arthritis in Mexican Woman
Lately, the question around human papillomavirus (HPV) is whether adolescent girls should be required to get vaccinated. While some girls and parents may opt out of vaccination, others might think twice if they knew their risk was high.
Getting to the Roots of COPD
The origins of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD ) may be found in the blood. A new study shows how smoking causes immune system cells to travel into lung tissue.
Kappa Kappa Opioid Receptor
Opioid receptors in the brain are the target of many legal and illegal drugs, from hospital anesthetics to heroin. Until recently the details of these important receptors has been somewhat of a mystery.
Literal Breakthrough for Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer isn't a pretty one. Realistically, it's tough to detect because symptoms are so subtle; it's tough to treat and it's tough to beat. Now there's light on the horizon, with what could be a true treatment breakthrough.