Changing Realities After Cancer Surgery
Did you know that it's not unusual for patients who have undergone major surgery to become delirious? It's true. In fact, coming in and out of consciousness, as well as the inability to process reality is actually common.
Addicted to the Action
The brain is more likely to act impulsively while trying to multitask. Inhibiting motor actions forces a person to concentrate only on one task and potentially make a better decision.
Going Too Low With Diabetes
High blood sugar is not the only concern for people with diabetes. Low blood sugar levels can be just as dangerous. In fact, it can be deadly if left uncontrolled.
Hearing Loss Greater in Kids With HIV
Children born to mothers with HIV can live fulfilling lives even if they become infected with HIV. But it's important to know what conditions the children are at a greater risk of developing.
Not Accepting the First Cancer Diagnosis
Hearing that you have cancer ranks right up there with the scariest news you'll ever get.
Guns are Risky Around Kids
Talking to parents about their children's risk of suicide can be as difficult as identifying a suicidal teen. A culture of familiarity with guns can complicate the discussion.
Emotional Crosstraining for Happiness
Volumes have been written on the topic of happiness, and for good reason. Everyone wants to be satisfied with their life. While there is no magical pill to increase life satisfaction, specialized training may help.
HIV and Healthy Relationships
It's easy to pay attention to your physical health if you're in a healthy relationship. If you're in a bad relationship, your health can be affected – especially with a chronic illness like HIV.
Alcoholism After Bariatric Surgery
One weight loss surgical procedure in particular is suspected to increase a patient’s chances of developing alcoholism two years after surgery. Good support networks and healthcare practices may help lower risk.
Lung Cancer Study Questioned
What happens when researchers disagree? That's the nature of good research - disagreeing and challenging before coming to consensus. A recent lung cancer study is being debated.