Castrating Prostate Cancer
A great deal of cancer medicine has to do with targeting and then blocking the activities of molecules that create chaos - and cancer - in the body.
Fat Cells Cuddle Up With and Hold Estrogen
Obesity. Obesity. Obesity. It's spreading everywhere and touches most every chronic health condition. Now researchers find obesity could affect how well long-term breast cancer treatments work.
Teens Do More Drugs During Summer Break
The summer months are a time for rest and relaxation. For some teens though, they can also be a time for risk taking and substance abuse.
Growing Resistance to Gonorrhea Treatment
Do you have multiple sex partners? Or are you at risk for other sexually transmitted diseases (STD)? It’s important to seek treatment if you have gonorrhea immediately.
Osteoarthritis After ACL Surgery
Your anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, is one of four ligaments in the knee. If your ACL tears, you may need surgery. Unfortunately, many patients develop osteoarthritis after surgery, regardless of the type of surgery.
Focus on Risk Reduces Stroke and Dementia Deaths
Helping stroke and dementia patients live longer may not be as complicated as it sounds. When doctors focus on the risk factors for stroke and dementia, fewer die or need expensive long-term care.
Can't Always Get What's Needed
Struggling with a cancer diagnosis is not uncommon. The sudden news can be particularly difficult and emotional. For those just starting an independent life as young adults, fighting cancer presents challenges.
Hypertensive Frail and Elderly May Live Longer
Various studies have linked lower blood pressure to increased longevity among adults. That may not hold true for frail and elderly patients. They may actually live longer with higher blood pressure.