Five More Months of Life
Male hormones known as androgens, including testosterone, feed prostate cancer to help it grow and spread. So going after the processes that produce androgens is a key treatment strategy. 
RA Drugs Carry Similar Risk
Many experts recommend that rheumatoid arthritis patients get early drug treatment to slow down their disease and prevent disability. With so many drug options, it's important to know the safety of each drug.
Drug Abuse & PTSD
Treating post-traumatic stress disorder can be tough when adding in substance dependence. New treatment methods have shown promise in helping both issues.
Plain Cigarette Packaging
There are a lot of occasional smokers out there. And, they seem to be more open to accepting the fact that cigarettes are unhealthy than daily smokers.
Diabetic Death Risk Drops with Statins
People with diabetes have a heightened risk of dying from heart problems. While certain lifestyle changes can protect your heart, some medications may also lower your risk of dying from diabetes-related heart problems.
Meds & Therapy Are Best for Depression
The best way to treat depression may be a two-pronged approach.  Sessions with a therapist plus antidepressants have shown the best results.
Gonorrhea is Changing
The bacteria responsible for the sexually transmitted infection, gonorrhea, can develop a tolerance for certain antibiotics. New recommendations involve a two-pronged approach.
Dallas Attempts to Spray Away West Nile
What do you do when your city is under assault by flying insects, infiltrating parks, backyards, homes, and carrying a potentially deadly virus? You take to the air.
Watch for Teen Suicide Signs
While adolescence tends to be a tough time for most people, the experience can become overwhelming when multiple pressures or problems are occurring at once.
Clinical Endpoints Not Met In Alzheimer Drug Study
Pfizer Inc. announced that the co-primary clinical endpoints, change in cognitive and functional performance compared to a placebo, were not met in the Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy R&D LLC (Janssen AI)-led Phase 3 trial of intravenous (IV) bapineuzumab in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease who do not carry the ApoE4 (apolipoprotein E epsilon 4) genotype (Study 301). Pfizer and Janssen AI are partners in the Alzheimer’s Immunotherapy Program (AIP).