Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center
Bitter Health Effects from Added Sugars
A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, as the saying goes — but the truth about sugar’s effect on health may actually be quite bitter.
Growing up Early with Sugar-Sweetened Drinks
Girls are becoming women at younger ages, and sugar-sweetened beverages might be playing a role.
Ovarian Problem May Have Other Health Effects
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and infertility have been well-known dance partners for many years. Now new evidence suggests that PCOS is also dancing with a lot of other chronic health issues.
Healthy Life May Help Heart Health More Than Pills
Before reaching for the medicine cabinet, consider cleaning up your diet — it may save your life.
Diet Made a Difference in Diabetes for Minority Women
A healthy diet can make a big difference in diabetes risk — and that difference may be even bigger for women who are Asian, Black or Hispanic.
A Little Exercise May Be Better Than Nothing
January is the time for resolutions, and getting into shape is a good one for most people. You don't necessarily have to run a marathon, though — even a little exercise a day could help keep the doctor away.
When Diet and Exercise Aren't Enough
They may be key to weight loss and good health, but diet and exercise may sometimes need a little help from obesity medications and surgery.
What a Daily Drink Might Do for Your Heart
That nightcap or glass of wine with dinner may be doing more than just relaxing you at the end of a long day. It could be boosting your heart health.
More Coffee, Less Skin Cancer
Wear sunscreen, stay inside during the hottest parts of the day and ... refill your cup of coffee? Sure enough, that fourth cup of joe has been tied to lower rates of an aggressive type of skin cancer.
Walking Groups: Easy Steps to Better Health
Exercise doesn't have to be complicated. Even simple walks with friends may improve your health.