Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center
Don't Just Sit There, Get Outside!
It's easy to blame the preponderance of cheap technology and fun gadgets as the reason for today's children not getting enough physical activity. But parents have more power to influence their kids' activity levels than they may realize.
Healthy Habits Ward Off Dementia
The risk of dementia is higher in diabetic patients that also have depression. Healthy diet, exercise and treatment for depression may help lower this risk significantly.
What Cat Litter & Suicide Have in Common
Among the various things pregnant women generally should avoid is changing kitty litter, which may seem oddly random in a list with alcohol, undercooked meat, soft cheeses and smoking.
Round Two: Low Carbs Beats Low Fat
If you eat 1000 calories of donuts, or 1000 calories of steak, or 1000 calories of broccoli, does your body treat them differently when it comes to keeping weight off?
What’s in That Cookie?
Awareness of children’s food allergies has increased dramatically over the past few years. New research suggests that there is even more need for caregiver education about food allergies in children.
Tai Chi for the Soul, Body and Mind
You've seen them in parks or in films: rows of older men and women moving through the slow, graceful movements of tai chi. And it may be more than their bodies that they are improving.
A New Drug for Weight Loss
A new drug called Belviq has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for treating obesity and related weight management problems.
Bacon and Eggs vs. Carbohydrates
Bacon, cheese, a ribeye , whole cream in your coffee and as many eggs as you can eat. Sound familiar? Then you've probably tried Atkins, South Beach, paleo or similar diets.
Diabetes Returns after Surgery
In recent years, evidence has grown suggesting that weight loss surgery may cure diabetes. But "cure" may be too strong of a word, as some patients just can't kick the disease.
Staying Fit to Stay Alive
Exercise is good for just about everyone. The fitter you are, the better you'll feel. Fitness is especially important when it comes to diabetes and heart problems.