Health News
Hope for an AIDS Vaccine
An AIDS vaccine has long been a holy grail for medical researchers. New experiments in monkeys are giving hope that a vaccine for humans is getting closer to reality.
HIV Patients Choose Seizure Drugs Carefully
A new guideline from the American Academy of Neurology urges caution for doctors prescribing seizure drugs for patients also taking anti-retroviral drugs for HIV.
Ovulation May Raise Risk for Infection
Feeling sick? It may be due to your monthly cycle. Spanish and Austrian researchers studied the effects of the sex hormone estradiol (which triggers ovulation) in mice.
Few With HIV Have Controlled Virus
Today, HIV patients are expected to live to an old age, with the right drugs and treatment. But a new report has found that many Americans with HIV aren't on that track.
HIV Drug for Younger Generation
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of the HIV drug Isentress ( raltegravir ) for children and adolescents, in combination with other antiretroviral drugs.
Reducing Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission
Breastfeeding your baby is designed by nature to nurture and protect your child. But for mothers with HIV, breastfeeding nearly doubles their risk of passing on the virus to their baby.
Immune Cells Tactics: Divide and Conquer
Scientists understand the big picture of how vaccines work in the body but not all the specifics at the cellular level. Now they have discovered one more piece of the puzzle.
Get Vaccinated, Stop the Spread of Hep B
There are a great deal of complications associated with diabetes. In order to prevent these complications, patients have to take special care of themselves, whether that means eating healthier or getting vaccinated.
Ladies First - and Only - For HPV Shot?
Parents and policymakers confounded by the best practices for reducing HPV transmission could look to mathematical models to determine a good vaccination strategy for the sexually transmitted infection.
Pregnancy Increases Risk for Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious bacterial infection that affects your lungs. It’s not very common in the U.S., only affecting about 11,000 Americans yearly. But there’s one group that may be more susceptible to TB: pregnant women.