Health News

More Active, More Immune After Cancer
The tolls of cancer can make it difficult to exercise. But when treatment is done and patients keep up an exercise routine over time, the body can get stronger in a number of ways.
Running Free Barefooted
First there were toe socks. Then came the toe shoes, and shoemakers have been busy designing some of their own to go with the barefoot running craze, but is it just a fad?
Too Much Oxygen is No Good
Less is sometimes more, as it turns out for oxygen during surgery. New research gives anesthesiologists one more variable to consider.
Free Health Screenings for Men
For 23 years, the third week in September has been designated “Prostate Cancer Awareness Week.” That’s when the Prostate Conditions Education Council ( PCEC ) was founded to give men access to free or low-cost prostate health screenings.
Prostate Cancer Goes Viral
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is linked to a number of cancers. And the Epstein Barr virus is associated with nasal cancer. It turns out these two viruses may have a mysterious association with yet another.
E-Cigarettes Not So Bad
It looks like a cigarette, feels like a cigarette, but doesn't have the tobacco content or familiar smell of regular cigarettes. Rather, these electronic cigarettes come in a variety of flavors that emit water vapor as they simulate the effect of smoking.
Are Gay Couples Practicing Safe Sex Equally?
To use a condom or to not use a condom? For gay couples, the answer was different among different races.
Droughts May Increase Suicide Risk
The recent droughts across the U.S. have meant big losses in crops for many farmers. Less visible, however, is the possible strain on these farmers' mental health.
Male Pattern Baldness Drug & Depression
Male pattern baldness can affect a man's self-esteem, which in turn plays a part in a man's mental health. But a new study reveals a link between baldness treatment and depression.
ED May Signal Future Heart Trouble
While studies have shown that erectile dysfunction can be a sign of cardiovascular disease in older men, young or middle-aged men with ED may be headed toward heart problems as well.