Health News

Seeing Stroke with a Phone
Cell phones are not just for making calls or sending texts anymore. We can use them to find a restaurant, to look up that actor's name that was in that one movie with that one lady, or even to deposit our checks.
Cholesterol May Not Be so Bad After All
Most people have heard about good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, but what do you really know about it? Yeah, sure bad cholesterol is to blame at times for blocked arteries, but what else?
Drink Juice, Lower Risk for Heart Disease
People are always trying to find easy ways to be healthier. What's easier than having a cup of juice to improve heart health?
Shield Your Heart with Exercise
Exercise keeps you happy and healthy. It not only makes you fit, but also lowers your risk of heart attack and protects your heart from damage if you actually have a heart attack.
Lowdown: Uric acid and High Blood Pressure
Doctors have known for a while that people with high levels of uric acid can also have high blood pressure.
Please Pass the Salt, My Heart'll Be Okay
Salt is in so many of the foods we eat. People fear that eating too much salt can raise their blood pressure, increasing the risk for other problems like heart disease. However, recent research shows that there may not be so much to worry about.
Viagra For Heart Disease?
Proper exercise is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but people born with single ventricle heart disease have many hurdles to overcome in order to exercise safely. A new study indicates that safer exercise for this population may be just three pills a day of Viagra away.
Taking Meds Not as Easy as It Sounds
Dealing with high blood pressure doesn't stop when you get a prescription. You actually have to take the drugs your doctor gives you. Getting people to stick to their blood pressure drugs is a common problem.
Be Careful 'Bout that Beer Belly
A little bit of belly fat might seem harmless. But if you have heart disease, that extra chub can be dangerous to your health. In fact, having lots of fat around your waist can be the same as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.
Health Today Matters Tomorrow
It can be hard these days to know what's healthy and what's not. One food could be good for you today but raise your risk of disease tomorrow. Some habits are obviously unhealthy. While lots of young people have these bad habits, they think they're living healthily.