Health News

Victory for Vegetarians
Your diet can heavily effect your chance of getting certain diseases. A new study shows that people with a vegetarian diet may have a lower risk of metabolic syndrome - the name for all the factors that increase the risk for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.
Liaison Coordinates Heart Care
Patients who end up in the hospital because of their heart disease often have a long road to recovery in front of them. Unfortunately, depression can make that road more difficult.
Disease-Fighting Fruit Juice
While it is known that eating fruits and vegetables is good for us, it is unclear if drinking their juices has the same health benefits. Researchers have found a link between drinking juice and a lower risk of certain chronic diseases.
The Heart of the Matter: Screening Doesn't Help
With growing concern about sudden death of young athletes, there is a push to start screening athletes using electro-cardiograms. New research suggests that screening for electrical activity in the heart does not prevent sudden death.
Vegan Mainstream Advocates for Change
Like the big shrimp they are trying to avoid, vegan mainstream is becoming a new oxymoron. Even boxer Mike Tyson came out as a pigeon loving vegan this year, landing him a gig on The Animal Planet TV show.
Depression Drugs Aren't Only for Sad People
Research has already shown that drugs for treating depression can help people recover after a stroke. Now, a new study shows that stroke patients not only have a better recovery when taking antidepressants, but they also continue to recover after they stop taking mental health medications.
Looking for Disease in the BMI Crystal Ball
It is already known that being overweight or obese can increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease. New research shows that it is possible to predict a teenager's risk by looking at their Body Mass Index (BMI) - a measure of body fat based on height and weight.
Depression Drugs Can Hurt Your Heart
Depression is known to increase the risk of heart disease. Now, a new study shows that antidepressant drugs - separate from the effects of the disease itself - may have an effect on heart health.
Disease Fighting Tangerines
Tangerines are not just deliciously sweet fruits, they are also good for you. New research shows that tangerines can help protect against obesity and other health problems.
A Smoking Heart
Smoking just isn't good for you, we all know that. But for those who have been unable to stop, there may be new therapies developed which could positively influence disease risk for people still smoking.