Health News

Childhood Surgeries Now, Worry Later
Promises of eating ice cream for days usually does little to allay children's fears about getting their tonsils removed. The removal of an appendix is an even scarier proposition. But there may be some reason for that childhood apprehension.
Broil your way to health
As women age, it becomes critical to consume nutritious foods. But when it comes to some foods, such as fish, the type of fish and cooking method play a major role in how heart-healthy those meals are.
'Ultra-bad Cholesterol Discovered
Patients with high cholesterol have enough to worry about. But a new 'ultra-bad' form of cholesterol recently discovered by researchers may inadvertently aid those patients by leading to new treatments for preventing heart disease particularly in those with type 2 diabetes and the elderly.
The Genetic Blood Clot Link
Often times hearing that a friend or neighbor has a blood clot seems surprising and unexpected. Not so, according to a new study that suggests a 10 percent link to heredity.
The Heart of the Matter
Birth control has long been viewed not only as effective, but also heart healthy. In the 1960s it was a sign of empowerment, but could estrogen-based birth control pills be leading to increased high blood pressure instead?
Healing the Heart
There are times when doctors struggle to heal difficult ailments, but researchers may have actually found a way to reverse effects leading to heart failure. This new research eventually could be available for humans.
19 Percent Have High Blood Pressure
Typically developed over a number of years, high blood pressure is a common health concern for many individuals. Many patients commonly wait until they are older to worry about getting checked regularly.
Extinguishing Tobacco Deaths Around the World
Did you know that tobacco will kill 6 million people around the world this year? And by 2030, that number will be 8 million. The World Health Organization (WHO) is leading the fight against this epidemic.
Yet Another Reason to Lose Weight
Being overweight or obese carries a number of health risks. Now there's one more health benefit for losing weight.
The Chocolate Curse Has Lifted!
Just when you thought a healthy lifestyle meant eating nuts, fruits, and vegetables, medical manna has come straight down from heaven. Move over veggies, Momma needs her chocolate!